MEN WANTED: I am writing a book about the New Masculinity called "The Invisible Prison" - about how Patriarchy has enslaved men as well as women. And I am designing a questionnaire to give to men to share their experiences about what it is like to be a man in the 21st century - the positives and negatives.
I am looking for men from ALL walks of life - straight, gay, bisexual, all religions and faiths - traditionalists and moderns - even little green men are welcome ;-)
Obviously I already have some ideas ... However, what questions do YOU think would be most pertinent/useful to include.?? And would you be willing to participate?? IF so, please contact me here so I can have your email address... and please include any questions you might like asked. The questionnaire will be available online and is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
If you would like to participate even more, please check out the New Men Facebook page here
NOTE - I am a 25 years experienced Relationships and Intimacy Coach and Counsellor - working in Australia - and have a passion for Mens Issues.... (as well as Womens Issues ;-)