Everything is energy, and the Body Code is the most thorough energy healing system that you will ever experience. You will be able to participate and ask questions, without re-living each experience. Trapped energies such as emotions, trauma, toxins, pathogens, , negative entities and many other imbalances are quickly,easily and permanently removed.
If you are having an Energy Evaluation, we can ask your body what it needs for nutrition, lifestyle, herbs, foods, vitamins, detox and more.
The Body Code was developed several years ago by a Holistic Chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson. His teachings consist of being balanced in 6 different areas:
If you are having an Energy Evaluation, we can ask your body what it needs for nutrition, lifestyle, herbs, foods, vitamins, detox and more.
The Body Code was developed several years ago by a Holistic Chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson. His teachings consist of being balanced in 6 different areas:
- Energies – Stressful emotional events can create damaging emotional and mental energies that become trapped in the body. Energy work is used to identify and remove these energies.
- Circuitry – The energy systems of the body are made up of Chakras, Meridians, the connection of the physical and spiritual bodies, and the organs and glands.
- Toxicity – Identifying and addressing toxic agents that are in the body, regardless if they show up on medical tests or not.
- Pathogens – Infections and remedies are identified.
- Structural – Imbalance in the bones, organs, connective tissue, muscles and nerves are treated non-invasively.
- Nutritional – Nutrient deficiencies and imbalances are detected and certain healing foods or herbs are identified.